Fordingbridge Paddling Pool

Fordingbridge Paddling Pool

3 StarOn the banks of the River Avon, next to the 13th Century seven arched bridge, Fordingbridge recreation ground and playground is as picturesque as it could possibly be. The apparatus is arranged within a large area and there is lots of space. There’s a skate park and even a paddling pool which is securely fenced off with a provocative health and safety notice pinned to it. I actually think the fence around it is as much to keep the geese and ducks out, as it is to deter toddlers. That leads me nicely onto the one big drawback of being next to the river… the massive amount of guano on the grass and sometimes around the play area. There’s a pay-and-display car park on the opposite side of the road.

The big metal climbing frame

The big metal climbing frame

Marks Awarded

1-10=★   11-20=★★   21-30=★★★

  • Parking: 4/5
  • Scenery/Surroundings: 4/5
  • Variety of Apparatus 4/5
  • Condition of Apparatus:  4/5
  • Cleanliness: 2/5
  • Kids’ Verdict: 4/5
  • Total: 22 out of 30 = ★
The mini climbing frame

The mini climbing frame

Apparatus at publication

  • Swings
  • Toddler Swings
  • Slide
  • Climbing Frames x3
  • Roundabout
  • Seesaw
  • Monkey Bars
  • Skate Park
Another climbing frame

Another climbing frame

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